Bookkeeping Resources for Small Businesses

Below are resources we have compiled to help small business with bookkeeping, accounting, tax and more.  Got more questions?  Just reach out!

accounting new business accounts

Accounting for New Business: Separate Accounts, Method Choice

By Rex Stevens | Apr 12, 2022

There are a number of important areas you’ll be considering if you’re starting a new business, and accounting and related themes are at or near the top of any such list. Good accounting is a central part of the success of any business — on the flip side, a lack thereof will often doom your […]

tax compliant filings deductions

Staying Tax Compliant: Quarterly Estimated Taxes, Deductions, Separate Accounts

By Rex Stevens | Mar 7, 2022

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on how small business owners can remain tax compliant at all times. There are a few basic IRS requirements here and other factors to evaluate, and many companies count on professionals to assist them in this realm.  At Singular Bookkeeping, we’re proud […]

tax compliant bookkeeping

Staying Tax Compliant: Bookkeeping + Self-Employment Tax | Singular Bookkeeping

By Rex Stevens | Feb 22, 2022

There are a few areas that all small business owners will have to pay attention to on a regular basis, and one of these is staying tax compliant. There are a few requirements that must be met to remain compliant with the IRS — for some business owners, this can become a major burden along […]